Archiving Ice. Svalbard and San Francisco 2017-2023.
During the Arctic Circle Artist Residency in October 2017, Landau made molds from "bergy bits" (small icebergs from calved glaciers). They painted melted wax on individual pieces of ice that washed upon the shores of Bloomstrandbreen, Svalbard in Spitsbergen. Different mold making processes were done to have plaster-silica molds of the exact pieces of ice. Glass was blown into the molds, coldworked, and then the glacier water from the specific site was put back into the glass vessels. The goal was capturing the impressions, the ice, and the water from the melting north.
Thank you to Devra Freelander, Maria Enomoto, Matt Wesley, Megan Dykema, and Devon Lach for your help in this project.
Process Documentation by Devon Lach. Documentation of stills by Jennifer Hagan, Digital Studio SF, and Joe Kramm.
Glass sizes range from 5.5x4x3in to 7.75x5.25x2.75in. Click here for exact sizes.